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OCRmyPDF originated as a command line program and continues to have this legacy, but parts of it can be imported and used in other Python applications. OCRmyPDF adds an optical character recognition (OCR) text layer to scanned PDF files, allowing them to be searched. PDF is the best format for storing and In addition to the required Python version (3.6+), OCRmyPDF requires external program installations of Ghostscript, Tesseract OCR, QPDF, and Leptonica.In addition to the required Python version (3.6+), OCRmyPDF requires external program installations of Ghostscript, Tesseract OCR, QPDF, and Leptonica. As a special service "Fossies" has tried to format the requested source page into HTML format using (guessed) Python source code syntax highlighting (style: Use the python ocrmypdf library, which uses google's powerful Tesseract OCR to See code at https
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